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- Annual Catholic Campaign supporter survey
- Annual Grant Application
- Application for Annual Grants: 2022
- Assembly of Catholic Professionals Special Offer
- Brisbane Catholic Professionals Members
- Catholic Foundation Direct Debit Agreement
- Catholic Foundation supporter survey
- Christmas with the ACP
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- Eternal Guardians and Quinn Medal Recipients
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- Internal Use: Data Request for the Raisers Edge
- Join us for lunch with Kirsty Robertson
- Living Faith Society supporter survey
- Loyal Supporter Survey
- My RSVP for Lunch with Michelle Gibbings
- Ordination to the diaconate: join us online
- Parish Bequest Brochures
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- Provide a home for seminarians during formation
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- Regional Seminary Appeal
- Sacred Music Appeal
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- Special offer for schools – join us for the ACP Lunch
- St Columban’s Bursary Fund
- St James College
- St John Fisher College Bursary Fund
- St Leo’s College
- Survey for Eternal Guardians
- Tax-deductible gifts to support Endowments at St James College
- Test successful giving shows video
- Thank You
- Thank you for supporting St Leo’s College
- Thank you for supporting students at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic School
- Thank you for your generous support
- Thank you for your regular gift to St Leo’s
- Thank you for your RSVP
- The Reverend Mother Joan Percy-Dove Memorial Bursary
- Ways to give
- Ways to help
- Annual Catholic Campaign
- Annual Grants Program
- Bursaries and scholarships
- Care for Retired Priests
- Educate Seminarians
- Endowments
- Hardship Relief Fund
- Provide Education Bursaries (MacKillop Bursary Fund )
- Support Centacare Social Services
- We miss you!
- What would you like to ask a retired priest?
- Xavier Catholic College Bursary Fund
- Xavier Charity Dinner Endowment Fund
- Young Professionals and Clergy Membership