See if you are eligible for a MacKillop Fund bursary
Current Mary MacKillop bursary recipients include families with major ill health, disability, trauma, extreme poverty or family breakdown.
Families who apply for a MacKillop Fund Bursary come from all walks of life, with different experiences of extreme hardship, trauma and financial devastation. What they share in common is a deep desire for their child to receive a Catholic education. This is an important aspect of the MacKillop Fund – that we provide students with a supportive and caring Catholic community. A ‘family’ that encourages them to reach their potential.
MacKillop Fund bursary applications are now open to students applying for enrolment with a Brisbane Catholic Education school in 2026.
Please see the information below for eligibility and application information, or email mackillopfund@bne.catholic.edu.au.
What is covered by a MacKillop Fund Bursary?
The MacKillop Fund commits to funding a child through the completion of the stage of school that they are enrolled in. For example, a primary school child will be funded through to the end of Year 6 as long as the family is in need of assistance. A secondary school bursary will be funded through to the end of Year 12 as long as the family is in need of assistance.
The bursary covers tuition, fees and camps for each year of primary school or each year of secondary school (immersion trips to foreign countries are excluded). The school provides all stationery, texts and resource materials, including a laptop if required and one full set of uniforms, excluding hat and shoes. The parents provide a weekly financial contribution in an agreement negotiated with the school.

Eligibility and selection process
Bursaries are awarded at the discretion of the committee and is based on greatest need, and funding available. The bursaries are awarded on the demonstrable, means-tested inability to afford a education at a local Brisbane Catholic Education school. Support from the fund is not dependent on academic ability of the student. Supporting financial documentation is necessary before any expression of interest form, or renewal of bursary, can be processed. Special consideration may be given to students who are socially, culturally, spiritually or emotionally disadvantaged.
An expression of interest form should show a demonstrated inability to afford the fees at a Brisbane Catholic Education school and evidence that the family is supportive of the ethos, values and mission of Catholic education.
Students currently enrolled in a Brisbane Catholic Education school are not eligible for a MacKillop Bursary to continue at their current school. We encourage you to get in touch with your school principal if you need financial assistance.
expression of interest
Your form must reach the committee no later than 15 April for enrolment in the following school year. Late expressions of interest may be considered, dependent upon availability of funds. If funding is not immediately available, late applications may be considered at the next May disbursementThe committee meets in May every year to award bursaries for the following school year.
Please note that Mary MacKillop Bursary applications are only open to enrolments for Brisbane Catholic Education schools.
Complete your expression of interest form here.
A copy of your health care card will be requested at a later date.
Expressions of Interest for 2026 are now open.

Privacy policy
A discernment committee has been established to consider expressions of interest on a strictly confidential basis. The names and details of students who apply for or are awarded bursaries are not publicly revealed.
You may view the Archdiocesan privacy policy here.
Your privacy is our top priority
Brisbane Catholic Education will respectfully maintain the privacy of the students in receipt of the MacKillop bursaries.

Sarah and Joe's children were supported in the MacKillop Fund.
“To the donors who support the MacKillop Fund – ‘thank you’ will never be enough, but I hope it is a start in expressing our eternal gratitude.”