A very warm congratulations to the 2024 Annual Grant winners.
We are so grateful for the support from our generous donors who make this vital work possible.
St. Patricks Gympie | Grant application seeks funding to aid with the continuance of growth and success of the current youth group aided by last year’s grant. Additionally, this grant also seeks to identify and equip potential leaders in the group in hopes that they will no longer have to rely solely on a paid youth ministry leader. |
St Therese of Lisieux and St Anthony Catholic Parish (Kedron) | Application to employ a youth co-ordinator to facilitate the youth group and engage a team of volunteers to establish a young adult ministry. Funding will also be used for engagement with Padua and Mt Alvernia College by facilitating lunchtime events and supporting RE classes. |
Ignite Youth | Ignite Youth seeks a grant to support the Youth Ministry study opportunities, school retreats, conferences and summer camps. |
Real Talk Australia (Theology for teens & adults) | 1. This grant application seeks to conduct teenage and adult programs on "Theology of the Body." Funds for course materials, venue hire, promotion and staff wages. 2. This grant is to form/train/upskill Real Talk staff and local Catholic leaders in Theology on the Human Person and Christian Worldview/Ethics. The grant will fund the tuition for online, and in-person courses, travel expenses/time and minor wage expenses. |
Eritrean Catholic Community (Migrant assistance and welcome) | 1. Funding to resource a program of welcome and assistance for new migrants such as. Funding will be used for food for welcome events, transport costs to bring new arrivals to Mass and community events, assistance with school uniforms, shoes and clothing. 2. Funding for a Youth Development Program focusing on leadership skills and spiritual development. Would allow the continuation and expansion of existing program, sending a group of young people to attend the ignite conference and targeted workshops for our Catholic youth on leadership skills, life skills and effective decision-making. |
NET ministries | To develop and design resources that cultivate servant leadership among young Catholics, inclusive of training modules, workbooks, and digital materials focusing on fostering authentic leadership rooted in service, empathy, and faith. This initiative will enhance the formation of our leaders, empowering them to serve more effectively in schools, parishes, and communities, thus strengthening the Church's mission and outreach to young people. |
Kenmore Parish | Funding to enhance youth and young adult ministry by increasing the coordinator hours to 15/wk, developing the youth music ministry, and establishing a young adult ministry, and taking 20 young adults to the Australian Catholic youth festival in Melbourne in 2025. |
Our Lady of Victories, Bowen Hills parish | Funding to support parish renewal and missionary focus, through new Young Adult initiative which is putting strategies in place to assist our fellow Young Adult Catholics in particular to keep learning, to deepen their prayer life and to become active themselves, making disciples of the people they meet. |
Edmund Rice Community Services Queensland | Funding for Community Services programs for children and families who are experiencing disadvantage and social barriers. This individual support is pivotal to the lives of children and pivotal to their engagement at school, with their families, and how they see their future in their community. This grant money will subsidise the employment of a youth volunteer coordinator who will engage with schools, community, and individuals as we continue to rebuild our vital volunteer network. |
Star of the Sea Parish (Cleveland) | Our Youth worker has been actively engaging with students from both the Star of the Sea Primary School and Carmel College. This has resulted in increasing attendance at the monthly gatherings. The Parish would like this work for a further 12 months particularly with young families moving into the area. |
Darra Jindalee Catholic Parish (Youth Led Retreat) | This grant proposal requests sponsorship for a four-day intergenerational youth led retreat for children, youth, young adults and families. The retreat aims to enhance faith development and fellowship in a distraction-free environment, allowing participants to deepen their connection with God. |
Institute of Faith Education | The pilot Faith Foundations course demonstrated the value of the course for parishioners and identified the need to tailor the course further to their needs. Many course resources and processes work excellently, but some require adjustment as they were designed for a Catholic religious education context. The goal is to ensure the course meets parish faith and ministry formation needs. |
St James Parish Coorparoo | This grant is seeking funding to be able to continue to run Alpha sessions in 2025 to allow a space where volunteers can grow in responsibility and leadership. |
Goodna Parish | This grant seeks funding to support the St. Francis Parish Youth Group to attend the Ignite conference 2025. |
Our Lady of the Angels Parish (Chermside) | Funding to cover all Ignite events and fortnightly gatherings for youth and young adults. Amid the cost of living crisis, the requested support will ensure that all youth can engage in these valuable programs without financial barriers. |
St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland | Spiritual Advisors & Pastoral Care Program -This initiative seeks to enrol two groups of 15 SVDPQ members into a Queensland Churches Together partnered training program to develop the confidence and skills needed to nurture the spiritual and pastoral health of members in South-East Queensland Conferences |
South Brisbane Parish | Funding will provide essential resources for youth group activities and facilitate participation in the Ignite Conference. |
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Corinda Graceville Parish) | For ongoing formation of parents, catechists and others interested in serving the youngest members of the Church from conception through to the age of 3 and their families. |
St Thomas the Apostle Parish (Camp Hill) | Funding for Family Faith Nights, to build community between schools and the parish, as well as new books, décor and furniture for the parish library. |
Our Lady of Graces Parish | Youth ministry grant to provide time and space for young people to appreciate and understand how to be missionary disciples |
Awaken in Christ Incorporation (Team Formation) | We are now in our ninth year of ministry and continue to experience significant growth and success. We devote our service to the Catholic Church and provide support and spiritual journey to hundreds of faithfuls. We are in desperate need for financial assistance so that we can continue to serve the growing demand of Christian Catholic care to many who are seeking help from the Church and the faith. |
St. Mary's Syro Malabar Misson, Sunshine Coast | Funding to cover the cost of a Catholic retreat experience for 150 youth |
The Catholic Filipino Community, Brisbane North | Funding to purchase of a sound and light system to enhance community’s participation in outdoor religious activities |
The Mater Dei African Choir | Funding to purchase musical instruments. |
The Korean Catholic Community | Funding to aid in covering the costs of Faith camp to provide an environment where youth can learn God's word, pray, reflect, and fellowship with their peers |
The Burundian Catholic Community | Funding for events, spiritual workshops, and purchase of musical instruments for youth engagement |
The St. Mother Theresa Choir | Funding for the purchase of a laser projector to enhance their community services in three main ways: - Foster community spirit and discipleship by sharing their Catholic faith. - Encourage closer personal connections with God. - Reduce costs for families organizing events by replacing printed hymn booklets with PowerPoint presentations for hymns, pictures, and videos. |
Holy Family Knanaya Catholic Mission | Funding for two interconnected events, Faith Fest and the Sunday School Annual Day, designed to foster Catholic faith formation among school-age childrenand youth |
The Chinese Catholic Community | Funding to aid in furnishing of the new multipurpose space which will greatly enhance our Sunday school and support various prayer groups within our community, including the Rosary Group, Divine Mercy Prayer Group, Mother’s Prayer Group, CCCB Family Formation Group, as well as meetings for the Children and Youth Group, Emmanuel Group, Pastoral Visitation Group, and many others. |
The Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement Brisbane | Funding to purchase of equipment for the Eucharistic Youth Movement program with the goal to: - Educate youth participants in both social/natural and spiritual life, to help them become better people, and responsible Christians. - Organise and guide all youth participants and help them become more aware of the Church’s mission to the world through spreading the Good News as well as being involved in working for the good of society through apostolate services. |
The Chinese Catholic Community | Funding to support the Cantonese Alpha program and young children's faith formation program |
Our Lady of Victories, Bowen Hills Parish | Funding to assist in the purchasing of tables and equipment for community events |

Previous Grant Winners
St Francis’ Table Ministry for the Elderly | To fund the parish RCIA and sacramental program. |
Star of the Sea Catholic Parish Cleveland | To fund a Youth Ministry worker for the parish for twelve months. |
Ignite Youth | To cover expenses related to hiring a venue for the 2024 Ignite conference. |
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Graceville Atrium (Corinda Graceville Parish) | To purchase the required resources and setting up a safe and inclusive infant and toddler environment. |
Passionist Youth Retreat Team | For the purpose of training two new facilitators to maintain a professional retreat experience for students. |
St Therese of Lisieux and St Anthony Catholic Parish (Little Flower Church) | To fund a Youth Coordinator to facilitate the parish youth group and engaging a team of volunteers to establish a young adults ministry. |
Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Acacia Ridge | For the purpose of funding a pastoral or youth coordinator. |
South Brisbane St Mary's Catholic Parish | To fund a group of primary and high school children to attend the Brisbane Ignite conference in September 2024. |
Camp Hill - St Thomas’ Parish | Funding Family Faith Nights (FFN) to connect the parish and school communities. |
St Joseph's Catholic Parish Nambour | To fund the formation of up to five people via the Arete syllabus. |
Caloundra - Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Parish | In support of six lay-led ministry teams. |
Chermside West - Our Lady of the Angels' Parish | To fund the continuation of Youth Ministry gatherings and activities. |
Upper Coomera - St Mary's Catholic Church | To start a long term Alpha program in the parish, in collaboration with the Catholic Colleges/Primary School of the Parish. |
Wynnum - Guardian Angels Parish | Funding resources for a "Mums and Bubs" group that incorporates a Catholic formation of toddlers. |
Carina - Our Lady of Graces Parish | To provide volunteers with access to Liturgy Brisbane’s comprehensive online courses. |
Institute of Faith Education | Subsidising the delivery costs for theology courses delivered in collaboration with Centacare Pastoral Ministries. |
Institute of Faith Education | To cover course fees and promotion, and to enable parishioners to access formation to support lay pastoral ministry or institute lay ministries. |
Gympie - St Patrick's Church | Funding for a youth ministry leader for the parish. |
NET Ministries | To support emerging leaders to go through training and experiential learning at Ignite Summer Camp. |
Real Talk Australia | To provide course materials, venue hire, promotion, and staff wages to conduct teenage and young adult programs on "Theology of the Body". |
Real Talk Australia | To help form, train and upskilling Real Talk staff and local Catholic leaders in Theology on the Human Person. |
Darra Jindalee Parish | In support of a three-day Intergenerational Youth-led Retreat for members of the Darra Jindalee Youth, families and wider community. |
Darra Jindalee Parish | To fund a Youth Ministry Support Worker for the parish. |

2021 Grant winners feedback
The outcome of this project had been very rewarding.
The grant we received really helped us in implementing the activities better and without worrying much about where to get donations as we had done before; or how to squeeze in the time to prepare food ourselves.
- Our Lady of Graces, Carina