Every day, God showers us with blessings so we will have gifts to share. Your support serves those in our community who need our care today.

Through your kindness and generosity, we unite as a Catholic community to reach out to serve others - the homeless, the marginalised, the elderly, our future priests in formation and families in dire circumstances.

Centacare image - parish social media
HSS image - parish social media
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PF image - parish social media

Make a tax-deductible gift to support Centacare, Holy Spirit Seminary, the MacKillop Fund and The Priests Foundation

Make a non-tax-deductible gift to support the Annual Grants Program and Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre

The Annual Grants Program provides vital funding to promote leadership development, youth involvement, adult faith formation, and faith education in our local communities. Your gift ensures that our parishes will continue to grow and thrive in the future.

This year, non-tax-deductible donations will also support the Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre. Through your gift, you help create a powerhouse for the teaching and practice of prayer in the Archdiocese.