“I know that what I give to Centacare goes to an organisation that looks after the people who need support – people from my own community. I like to know that even though I can’t give extravagantly, I am doing my part.”
Centacare supporters share a desire to help strengthen families and support people in the spirit of the Gospel. Jessica Rogerson, Office Administrator for ICT at Archdiocesan Services, supports Centacare regularly through the workplace giving scheme, which is available to all Archdiocese of Brisbane staff.
“I know that what I give to Centacare goes to an organisation that looks after the people who need support – people from my own community. I like to know that even though I can’t give extravagantly, I am doing my part.”
Having worked for three years in Centacare’s Disability Services, Jessica was inspired to give to her former employer after seeing first-hand the dedication of the staff and the incredible work they do. Jessica observed that many of the people in senior management at Centacare have worked their way up from entry-level positions, and have maintained real and lasting relationships with the people they previously served.
“I admire people who work in social services, they do not get the credit they deserve. Their job can be a rewarding one, but as they strive to continue their exceptional level of care under increasing financial constraints they face a lot of challenges. It’s not ‘just a job’ for the Centacare staff, they are authentic in their care.”
Jessica Rogerson, Archdiocesan Services