Bursaries and scholarships
The Catholic Foundation provide bursaries for students whose families are in need and experiencing financial hardship.

St Leo's College
Bursaries and scholarships for students from regional and remote areas, who are experiencing financial hardship

The Mary MacKillop Fund
Provides bursaries and support for children to be embraced by a supportive and caring Catholic community at a time when life at home is difficult.

St Columban's Bursary Fund
Provide bursaries for students whose families are experiencing financial hardship

St John Fisher College Bursary Fund
Bursaries for students whose families are experiencing financial hardship

Kevin M Brown Bursary Fund
Provide bursaries for Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic School students experiencing financial hardship

Xavier Catholic College
Provide bursaries for Xavier Catholic College students experiencing financial hardship

All Hallows
Bursaries for students otherwise unable to attend All Hallows’ School due to financial hardship and social disadvantage

St James College
Bursaries for students otherwise unable to attend
St James College due to financial hardship and social disadvantage
The Mary MacKillop Fund
The Mary MacKillop Brisbane Catholic School Access Fund, provides an opportunity for children to be embraced by a supportive and caring Catholic community at a time when life at home is difficult.