

Catherine Tanna

Catherine Tanna speaks at the Assembly of Catholic Professionals luncheon.

Former Wallaby and head of QIC, Damien Frawley, gives an open and candid talk about how his Catholic faith has been shaped by his parents, his marriage, his children, sport and business.

Recounting those experiences that come mind at the mention of faith and religion Damien touches on the hardships and tragedies endured by his family as he was growing up. He considers his mother a great role model of faithfulness and perseverance, who taught him by her example that, “adversity is going to happen, but you’ve got to get on with it”.

Many more of the values that were instilled in him he owes to his rugby experience. With gratitude, Damien reflects on those lessons learned on the rugby field – leadership, team work, persistence, hard work – and on the opportunities the sport later afforded to him in business. “My academic qualifications are scant,” he assures us, mentioning that he did grade 12 twice, “but rugby helped open up doors for me.”