Thank you from Archbishop Mark
Through 2023 there were many challenges for the Church in Brisbane and across Australia. Looking back, we see a range of achievements made possible by the unwavering commitment of the Catholic community and your exceptional generosity.
We have sought to understand the world around us and to act on the basis of that understanding to bring the justice and peace of God, especially in our engagement with First Nations peoples and the search for a more inclusive and equitable society. By the grace of God and the dedication of our clergy, religious and lay faithful, we have seen the power of compassion in action. The good works of the Church are a great sign of Christ's love, supporting our most vulnerable brothers and sisters and fostering communities of faith that are vibrant and welcoming.
Your generosity has enabled these good works; it shows in every soul touched by our pastoral care and in every community strengthened by our presence. The work of the Church, enabled by your support, not only provides aid and comfort to the needy but also nurtures a culture of care, promotes justice and peace, and spreads the Gospel of hope and salvation.
As we look to the future we ask, What does the Gospel ask of us now? You will help us answer that question with compassion, courage and creativity; and for that I offer a heartfelt thanks. May the God who raised Jesus from the dead bless you in every way.
“As a registered nurse of 48 years, I have seen firsthand the physical and psychological impacts of domestic violence on women and children. I continue to donate in the hope that it will help in a practical way to assist with providing shelter and safety to those who feel as if there is no escape,”
Dierdre Begley
“We must offer our youth not just guidance but also the assurance that they’re not alone in their struggles. It may be just a friendly ear to listen, or it may be that some serious counseling is required. Either way, a helper who has basic Christian values is more likely to nurture resilient individuals who are faithful to those values,”
Kevin Hesse
"We've always enjoyed a close relationship and unfailing support from our parish priests spiritually, socially, and in times of stress. They have been a critical support when we needed it most, and I will always be grateful for their time and care. This is why supporting Holy Spirit Seminary and retired priests is high on my priority list."
Marcia and Nicole Wimmer
Read about the impact of your kindness in 2023
Impact Reports for previous years
The light of your generosity shines through the darkness of a year that has brought pandemic, floods and war. That is the light of the Gospel - the Good News of an infinitely generous God. The light shines through you in the comfort you bring to our retired priests, in the support you offer to our future priests in the seminary, in the care you provide to those living on the margins of society, and in the hand you lend to families suffering hardship, who dream of a Catholic education for their children.