Ensuring the continuity of our faith
When twin sisters Betty and Jessie Bourke look back on their lives, the common thread is always their Catholic faith that has carried and sustained them. “I remember wanting to go to midnight mass when we were about four years old, and crying because we weren’t allowed to go, because we would fall asleep” says Betty. “Our whole lives seemed to reverberate around the church and God, and our faith was interwoven through everything.”
Betty and Jessie are actively involved in the running of St Luke’s Catholic Parish in Buranda and have been for many years. Betty recalls joining the parish in 1976. “When we first attended, there were many, many more people. The church would be full for four masses every weekend, and on special feast days you had to make sure to get there early so that you have a seat. We used to have morning-tea in the convent, and Archbishop John Bathersby was often there.”
Despite the lower attendance in parishes today, Betty and Jessie are optimistic about the future of the Church. “As long as faith is still alive and well, there will always be a future for the Catholic Church,” they said.
This is also what inspires them to remember the Church in their Will, as Eternal Guardians of their faith. “There are so many people who need our help. We have to help where we can – and when you make a gift, you are giving it to God. Not the church; not the four walls. Any money we give is to keep God’s vision and his Word alive. It’s about ensuring the continuity of the faith.”
“It’s easy to see that people need help, as people are grasping at things”, Betty continued. “They don’t want to be seen as too religious, but in their hearts, they know something is missing. The Catholic Church does good work, and it is God’s work. We have to promote our mission better, and Jessie and I hope the gifts in our Wills helps to do just that.”